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Luciana Damiani

Montevideo (Uruguay) 1982.  Lives and works in Montevideo.

Degree in Fine Arts (UDELAR, National School of Fine Arts - Uruguay, 2011). Master in Artistic Production and Research at UB (Universitat de Barcelona, 2015).

Artist member FAC (Fundation of Contemporary Artist, Uruguay) since 2009.



Solo exhibitions

- Holobionts / Juan Manuel Blanes Museum (Montevideo 2022)

- No Human Can Hurt Me ll - Get some rest / EAC - Contemporary Art Space (Montevideo 2021)

- THE SAFE CIRCLE", performance in contribution to the project Misplaced Women? by Tanja Ostjic (Park am Nord Banhof, Berlin, Germany, 2019)

- Mnémica / M.I.O Gallino Museum (Salto, Uruguay, 2017) and DALARNA Gallery (Maldonado, Uruguay, 2017)

- Liquid Paper curated by Fernando López Lage / Engelman - Ost Collection (Montevideo, 2015)

- Glitch / EAC - Contemporary Art Space (Montevideo 2013)

- Fractions / CCE - Cultural Centre of Spain (Montevideo, 2012)

- Secrets / Toll Gallery (Montevideo, 2008)

- Nenas / ENBA - National School of Fine Arts (Montevideo, 2007)



Group Exhibitions 

- 60th National Visual Arts Award - Gladys Afamado / EAC - Contemporary Art Space (Montevideo 2022)

- Mis(s)placed Women? Collaborative project by Tanja Ostojić. Depo Istanbul - Istanbul Biennale, 2022. (Istambul, Turkey, 2022) and New Gallery of Visual Arts, NGVU (Belgrade, Serbia, 2022)

- MONTE-VIDEO Video Art Festival - Programme 3 - Out of Time. Curated by Ionit Behar / Subte Exhibition Centre (Montevideo, 2021)

- 49th Montevideo Visual Arts Award / Subte Exhibition Centre (Montevideo, 2019)

- 58th National Visual Arts Award - Linda Cohen at the EAC  / EAC - Contemporary Art Space (Montevideo 2018)

- Daily Exhibition curated by Juanjo Santos / Zorrilla Museum. (Montevideo, 2018)

- Paul Cezanne Award Exxhibition  / EAC - Contemporary Art Space (Montevideo 2018)

- Gramaticas infame do miedo, curated by Ícaro Vidal / Blau Projects Gallery (Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2017)

- Sobreexposición. Exhibition curated by Juanjo Santos  / EAC - Contemporary Art Space (Montevideo 2027)

- Making Days. Exhibition curated by Juanjo Santos / Centex (Valparaíso, Chile, 2017).

- Fondo Blanco, liso y uniforme (Luciana Damiani and Sol Prado) / EAC - Contemporary Art Space (Montevideo 2016)

- 25 al quadrat / Piramidón, Centre d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona, Spain, 2015/2016)

- Transterritorial Underground Film Festival Curated by Macarena Gagliardi / Rojas Cukltural Center (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015).

- Group exhibition n2 / Piramidón, Centre d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona, Spain, 2015)

- SOUTHERN LATITUDE curated by Angela López Ruiz / Film-Makers Cooperative (New York, USA, 2015)

- IMAGES ON FLAMES curated by Angela López Ruiz / San Francisco Cinemateque (San Francisco, USA, 2015)

- AMERICA LATINA SHOWCASE / Film Festival, curated by Angela López Ruiz and Jessie Young / Echo Park Film Center (Los Angeles, U.S.A) 2015.

- Expo PRODART Grants / Fabra i Coats (Barcelona, Spain, 2015).

- Mex-Parismental - 9th Edition / Paris, France 2014.

- 56th National Visual Arts Award - José Gamarra / MNAV - National Museum of Fine Arts (Montevideo, 2014).

- Paul Cezanne Award Exhibition / MNAV - National Museum of Fine Arts (Montevideo, 2014)

- Representative of Uruguay at the Francophonie Games, category Visual Arts / Photography (Nice - France), 2013.

- Perpetua (carne) curated by Fernando Lópe Lage and Catalina Bunge / Engelman - Ost Collection, (Montevideo, 2013).

- Rojas Fest - International festival of cinema, short films and video art / Ricardo Rojas Cultural Centre (BsAs - Arg, 2013).

- Mujeres / Gurvich Museum (Montevideo, 2012)

- HiperSEXY curated by Catalina Bunge / EAC - Contemporary Art Space (Montevideo 2012)

- First Young Art Competition organised by the ITAU Foundation / (Montevideo, 2011)

- 54th National Visual Arts Award - Carmelo Arden Quin / MNAV - National Museum of Fine Arts (Montevideo, 2010).

- Llamale H / Lindolfo Cultural Center (Montevideo, 2010)

- Satellites of Love II curated by Jacqueline Lacasa MNAV - National Museum of Fine Arts (Montevideo, 2008).



Awards & distinctions

- 3rd Award - MEC Acquisition Prize

The Safe Circle - 60th National Visual Arts Award - Gladys Afamado, 2022.

- FEFCA - Fund for Artistic Formation. Ministry of Culture & Education. Uruguay, 2018.

- FCC - Funds for Artistic Creation in Visual Arts Category. Ministry of Culture & Education. Uruguay, 2018.. Uruguay, 2017.

- 2nd Award in Paul Cezanne Prize for Contemporary Art. Uruguay, 2014. Residency in Institut Français du Culture. Campus. Paris 2014.

- Bronze Medal at Les Jeux de la Francophonie. Category Visual Arts / Photography, (Nice, France) 2013.

- CCE Award (Cultural Centre of Spain) in 54th National Visual Arts Award - "Carmelo Arden Quin", 2010. Residency in Hangar | Centre de producció i recerca artística, 2011.

- First prize at Llamale H film and photography festival, 2010.



- Casa Mario (Montevideo, Uruguay 2023)

- Lugar a Dudas. (Cali, Colombia) 2020.

- PIRAMIDÓN / centre d'art contemporani. Barcelona, 2015

- Fabra i Coats. Residencies PRODART. Barcelona, 2015

- Institut Français du Culture. Campus France du Culture. Paul Cezanne Award Residency. Paris, 2014.

- Hangar | Centre de producció i recerca d'arts visuals. Residency CCE Award (Barcelona, 2011)



- Assistant director of "MVD- Cine Experimental - I told you I was here" (First edition) by FAC Cinema-LAb. 2016

-Collabrator in HUGO Magazine, a platform for coexistence and discussion where to socialise contemporary art; to understand its daily scope, to decipher its contributions and questions, to disagree and to appropriate it. 2015.

- Collaborator in "Suprasensible: a project about astral bodies and invisible planes" by Santiago Borja at the Mies Van de Rohe Pavilion. Collaborative project: Fundació Han Nefkens, Fundació Banco Sabadell, Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de la Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID) of Mexico and Mexican Consulate in Spain (Barcelona, 2015).

- Collaborator in "Abans de la casa / Un biopic inestable a través del Sonido Sabadell" a project by the artist Carles Congost (winner of the Marcelino Botín Grant 2014) (Barcelona, 2015).

- Collaborator of the Master PRODART of the UB (Barcelona, 2015)

- International Symposium: Art and Research, Shared Methodologies in Artistic Processes (Barcelona, 2014)

- Co-director of the Festival del Gana (first festival of artistic gifs in Uruguay), 2012

- Collaborator of the PFP (Permanent Formation Programme) of the FAC. Montevideo, 2012 - 2014.

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